Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Custody, cancer and more

So Monday was a crazy day!!!  We were up and on our way to court by 7am. My Dave has had sole physical and legal custody of "our" daughter Piper her entire life. Piper was 2 when I met her and fell in love with them both. Pipers bio mom has been mostly MIA since she was born and I've been her constant, her advocate, her mom.  She's a little spitfire for sure! About a year ago "other mom" came back into our lives clean and sober and wanting to be back in the picture. We knew the day would come when she would take us back to court for more. More visitation, more rights, whatever just MORE!  So Monday was that day. It was also the day I was scheduled for my second surgery. Now that Piper is 6 the courts actually need to speak to her so, we were all up and looking spiffy and arriving at the courthouse- with an overnight bag packed for surgery directly after court. When "other mom" came in Piper barely even acknowledged her. Our attorney was ON IT and it was clear within minutes that our mediator wasn't going to change much of anything. Other mom - who pays $0.00 in child support was requesting MONEY from us..... Are you kidding me!?!?  SHE chose to move to San Diego county to move in with her boyfriend and she thinks WE should pay her gas money to come pick Piper up for her weekends..... Um, no.  So all in all other mom was asking for 44 days over summer break - got 2 weeks but, not in a row. She asked for spring break- denied. Asked for winter break- denied. Asked for money- denied. She did get to keep her 2 weekends per month HOWEVER, if she is scheduled to work during her visitation we don't have to allow piper to go AND Piper cannot miss sports, activities or important birthday parties - if other mom can't or won't get her there we don't have to allow her to go. So really she ended up with LESS than she went in with. So much for that MORE. We were ecstatic and the mediator pulled us aside afterwards to tell us what a great little girl we've raised and we are doing an excellent job with her. She also was shocked that "other mom" walked straight out of court without even saying goodbye to Piper. It definitely made the mediator realize she had made the right decisions. 

....and then in a mad rush with 20 minutes to get checked in we were off to the hospital. I was like a middle  school girl coming home from a dance- changing out of my "cool clothes" and into my baggy clothes that wouldn't be tight on my post op incisions and scrubbing my makeup off with baby wipes and ridding myself of all things bling. We rushed in, met with the Doc and I was in the OR in less than an hour. Needless to say we were all pretty nervous and pretty positive the biopsy was going to come back malignant. In the words of the other oncologist "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... We have to assume its liposarcoma. But, it WASN'T!!!! She ended up removing my inflamed right ovary and an inflamed fibroid but, no cancer!!! I even got to keep my uterus which wasn't expected at all. I was home and resting happily in my own bed by 6pm that night. Since the cancer had not metastasized its unlikely I will have to have chemo!! I'm so grateful for that. Radiation won't be fun but, getting out of chemo was pretty huge! I feel like I was just pardoned by the president! 

What a crazy day. 

I will see the oncologist tomorrow and get the official pathology on whatever the tumor/fibroid thing was. I see the surgeon Monday for a post op appt and then the simulation for the radiation is TUESDAY! I'm actually kind of looking forward to that because it means more CT scans and I will feel more secure knowing that the original tumor hasn't started growing back. Since we didn't get great margins originally, (since we didn't know it was liposarcoma when the tumor was removed they didn't take a lot of disease free tissue around the tumor) it leaves it more susceptible to growing back. 

Have a great week! Xoxoxoxoxox - 

Piper on her way to court.... She was so nervous! 
Before the giant needles were poked in me- 

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