Friday, December 27, 2013

Pneumonia 1 - Me 0

So, I'm in the hospital and all these Dr and Nurses are buzzing around like this is a super big deal..... I WANT to tell them, I'm fine... This is not "it" I'm not going to die this time around.... I feel it. I still feel strong, I'm still fighting.... But, then my body says otherwise and spikes another fever or we get blood labs saying I have no red or white cells left. So my brain and body are not in cahoots. My room is on complete isolation. I've heard my door has signs all over it saying no visitors, no fruit, must wear suits of armor to enter etc... But, I'm not allowed anywhere NEAR my door so, I'm not sure. Even the nurses and Dr (and especially family) have to don gear that looks like a scene from Breaking Bad to enter. This means no leisurely strolls (like drunk ET) around the ward like before, I'm stuck in this room 24/7. Again my brain says I should start doing laps in here but, my legs are like..... Ya, NO! Drunk ET prevails and I fall/crash-into my bed.

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